Shah Habibi

Born and raised in Iran, Shah's journey included living in Turkey before making his way to the United States, fostering a profound passion for diverse cultures and international architecture. His academic path led him to UC Berkeley, where he engaged more in architectural studies in an enriching environment. In the Bay Area, he gained experience working on commercial and multifamily buildings, and now residing amidst the picturesque landscapes of Tahoe, Shah's focus has shifted towards a deep love for custom mountain residential homes, finding inspiration from the natural surroundings and enjoying activities such as hiking, fishing, and backpacking in his leisure time. Additionally, at MWA, he takes on the role of IT and BIM manager when not engaged in architecture.

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I have know Kurt Reinkens since approximately 1986. He has always been one of the most engaging people and creative architects in Truckee. He works hard for the youth and people of Truckee.
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